The new showers and wc begin to take shape, as the fixtures are installed and plumbed in. A modern white acrylic ceiling reflects the light and doubles as an additional insulation. Plasterboard wallpanels are cut and manoeuvred carefully into place in the confined spaces, an awkward but needed operation for securing them into place onto the timber and metal framework. A complex job, but one that starts to show immediate rewards.
Once this is completed, the walls and floor surfaces can be prepared in readiness for tiling.

Above a test run of the tiles for the showers, just to see how they will look, and below, the work continues, with all the plasterboard panels cut, fitted and screwed into place.

Above, the doorway, viewed from both sides leading to the new hallway that connects the shower and toilet block with the guest rooms, is made good and joined into the new section of hall, now lined with insulated plasterboard. The granite stonework is cleaned up in preparation for decoration. When the electrics are installed, the quality of the pictures will, we hope, improve. Below, this first photo is taken along the side passage that leads to the two shower rooms and toilet. The last pic is a long view across the grange to try and show an idea of the dimensions. The white wall will eventually become one of the walls in the new living area that will make use of the remainder of the space that was once the grange.

Below, the new section of hallway beginning to look a little less unfinished, and two views of the first shower room, with its floor and wall tiling completed.

With the tiling completed and wallpaper hung, the woodwork stained and decorating finished, the space is now looking comfortable and extremely utilitarian with only mirrors, soap dispensers and other such accessories remaining to be fitted.
The hot water tank is securely fitted in place, and the pipework is ready for completion during the coming weekend of November 20-21st. After which, the new facilities can begin to be used.

First six months. 08/03-01/04
Second six months. 02/04-08/04
As work continues, this page will update to
keep you posted.
Keep watching this space.