GNU/Linux Residential Workshops  - at LCO-France
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LCO-France - Services Informatiques
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LCO-France Services - Miscellaneous

The team at LCO-France have a broad awareness of Information Technology and Electronic Engineering plus a valuable understanding of Network Technology, all of which has been gleaned from hands-on experience. In addition, theres a background in Travel and Tourism, so they are able to assist in many ways.

Advocates of GNU/Linux (the FREE and Open Source system that is fast taking the world by storm), their work is always generic, that is to say, they build websites that will work on any browser platform and create networks that can incorporate all other computer operating system.

LCO-France created websites are optimised not only for speed of delivery, but most importantly for high positioning in search engines.

The Cybercafe at LCO-France is available for the local community to use. Assistance is offered in desktop use of the GNU/Linux system, and of course in use of the Internet, email and Open Office on request.

  • Assembly, upgrade and repair of computer hardware.

  • Creation of Internet sites for local associations and business.

  • Design of dynamic websites that allow the owner to instantly update the text content on their site.

  • Creation of interactive portal and blog websites.

  • Translation of existing french websites into english.

  • Build and configuration of Networks for personal, small business and organisational use.

  • Build and install of Cybercafe or Kiosk web facilities on request.

Linux Coaching Organisation   |   Web Content © 2003-13 copyright LCO-France, everything else GPL copyleft.