Here are some articles that can be downloaded for printing or viewing.
Article from LinuxUser Magazine (pdf format)
that dates back from November 2000 about the guys behind the LCO-France concept.
Article from La Montagne Journal Jan 2006 (jpg format) In French!
Press Release
LCO-France - The non-profit GNU/Linux Coaching Organisation has a residential centre in the Auvergne, in deepest rural France, where you can go for residential courses at various levels.
Live like a member of the family with satellite Internet and Linux boxes on tap. Neat idea: change your computing life, and eat lovely food at the same time! And its near St Etienne airport (with low-cost Ryanair flights...)
To launch its new program of residential GNU/Linux Workshops, the two Davids at LCO-France have come up with an innovative approach.
The LCO-France website, with full details of the latest program has been recently renovated to a brighter, more informative and easier to navigate version and can be visited NOW at
LCO-France has recently been working on 3D-worlds. From March 2013 you can visit 50 hectares of virtual Livradois-Forez. You need a suitable viewer such as
Imprudence and you need to register your avatar.
For more details visit
LeBourg Website.